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Sing stronger, write bolder & shine brighter

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Empowering singers and songwriters by developing their skills
and providing the support necessary to help them achieve their goals

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Ready to elevate your singing and songwriting?
Let's do this together!

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Learn with our coaches:

Pop Music Stage



I have been attending classes with Hannah for about 9 months now and she has been nothing short of amazing. I always look forward to weekly classes and even on the off time that I may be a bit tired and not feeling up to it, I am always glad I do go because I leave feeling amazing. She has greatly helped me with all aspects of my voices and taught me things that I will take with me for the rest of my life.


I'm really enjoying working with Hannah. As I am a novice singer, she is patiently helping me to improve my technique by selecting a few things to concentrate on from lesson to lesson. I feel that my confidence is improving and I am becoming much more aware of my technique.


As someone who had been in metal bands for over 10 years I wasn't sure that I could even sing but Hannah really made me feel welcome and provided an environment where I was comfortable enough to give it a try. Always reassuring, supportive and friendly I can't recommend her enough and in just a few short months I have really felt some tangible differences and improvements in my vocal ability. If you're looking for a safe space to be vulnerable and give singing a go then I would suggest you contact Melody Suite!

Creating an encouraging & empowering community of singers & songwriters

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